Ensuring everyone can participate is the design principle for the minimum play area requirements in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The standard applies to all newly designed, constructed and altered play environments for children ages 2 and older located at day care facilities, parks, schools, shopping malls, fast food restaurants, and other facilities. This session will address requirements for accessible play components, ground-level and elevated accessible routes, play area surfaces, transfer systems, soft contained play structures, and water play components. In addition to an overview of the play area provisions, the presentation will address frequently asked questions and best practices that will ensure play opportunities move beyond the minimum requirements for accessibility to promote inclusion for people of all ages and abilities.
Learning Outcomes:
Describe at least two alterations to an existing play area in which the ADA Standards would apply.
Outline at least 3 key requirements for creating accessible ground-level accessible routes within the boundary of the play area and outside the play area.
Determine the minimum number and types of ground level play components required to be on an accessible route.
List two helpful resources to obtain additional information or to utilize when evaluating existing play areas or designing new play areas.